This output involves extensive research, data collection, and collaboration among project partners to develop the e-learning platform. It includes designing comprehensive surveys, conducting focus groups, and creating content for the six modules.
This output focuses on establishing the Peer-Learning Portal, a central component of the project. It serves as a platform for guidance staff to share experiences, access real-life scenarios, and engage in collaborative learning.
The primary objective is to develop the digital mentorship competencies of guidance staff who mentor and support migrant women in the digital age. Specific goals include:
Innovative Mentorship
Encouraging sustainable and innovative mentorship practices
Culturally Inclusive
Fostering an inclusive and culturally sensitive approach to digital mentorship.
Digital Capacity
Building capacity through digital competencies and ensuring GDPR compliance.
Gender Equality
Promoting gender equality and reducing disparities.
Workshop and Training
A series of workshops and training sessions are organized for guidance staff to build their digital mentorship skills. These workshops also collect valuable data and insights for developing the Peer-Learning Portal.
Disclaimer This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. The content of this website represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility. The Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.